10 Organizing Projects That Will Take You 10 Minutes or Less

Organizing your home is a huge endeavor, right? Well, not necessarily. There are plenty of small home organization projects you can do quickly, that will have a big impact on how cluttered (or not!) your home is.
Here are ten of our favorite organization projects that can be done in ten minutes or less.

1. Under the kitchen sink.

It’s a black hole of cleaning products, old sponges, and dishwashing detergent. Take all the junk out, give it a good wipedown, and only put back what you actually use. It may not make it easier to do the dishes, but it certainly won’t hurt.

2. Junk drawer.

The junk drawer is where things go when they don’t have a home. It’s always frustrating to open, and even more frustrating to find what you’re looking for. Dump it out, and throw away anything that doesn’t get used or doesn’t work anymore. You’ll probably throw away most of the contents, and you’ll breathe a sigh of relief next time you need to find a pen.

3. Desktop.

Work spaces get cluttered very quickly. Find a home for all the papers, grab a cup to corral your pens, put all the chargers in a box or drawer, and see the difference a clean desk can make.

4. Medicine cabinet.

This is a small space that most people use every day, so it can be extra frustrating if the contents are constantly spilling out. Dispose of any and all medications that are expired or no longer needed. Only the items that you use regularly should earn a coveted medicine cabinet spot. Toss or relocate the rest.

5. Nightstand.

It’s easy to let books, papers, and other odds and ends collect on your nightstand, but it doesn’t contribute to a very relaxing sleep environment. When you go to bed, take notice of what you actually use that night; those are the only things that should be kept on your nightstand. Everything else needs to go.

6. Refrigerator.

You might have to work quickly to make this a 10 minute project, but it’s totally doable! Take everything out of the fridge, immediately throwing away anything that is old (or questionable). Group the rest into categories (e.g. dairy, cheese, drinks, produce, condiments, etc.) and put things back with categories staying together. It’ll make it so much easier to find what you’re looking for!

7. Game closet.

When was the last time you played Monopoly (at least, without it turning into a family feud)? If it’s been a while, maybe it’s time to clean out the game closet. Donate any games you don’t play anymore, and throw away ones with missing pieces or broken components.

8. Clothing drawers.

Whether it’s where you keep your pants, socks, or (gasp!) underwear, it’s not too hard to clean out your clothing drawers. Just remember: be brutal about what you throw away. If you haven’t worn something in over a month, it’s probably time to say goodbye and move on. You’ll be grateful for the extra space in your drawer.

9. “Catchall” spots.

You know the spot: it’s where you drop your junk mail, your spare change, and your receipts from lunch. It the place where piles always seem to build up, until you can’t remember what’s there. The quickest (and totally acceptable) fix to this is to just use a box instead of an open area. If it’s all going to pile up, at least it can be contained! Then every week or so, you can sort through the box and only keep what’s really important.

10. Cooking utensils.

Many people have more cooking utensils than they know what to do with (and definitely more than they have room for). If that sounds like you, it’s time to clean them out. Go through your drawers and pull out all the spoons, spatulas, and other gadgets you have. Donate anything that you don’t use regularly, along with any duplicates (no one needs four vegetable peelers). It’ll only take a few minutes, but your drawers will feel a lot less cluttered!
These quick organization projects will leave your home way more organized, in no time at all. Try them out and get ready to say goodbye to clutter!
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