7 Things to Throw Away at the Start of a New Year

A new year brings new beginnings, right? Out with the old, and in with the new! There’s no better way to apply this than in your home. The start of a new year is the perfect time to throw away whatever excess you have, making room for a fresh start and a fresh perspective.
Need help knowing where to start? Here are eight things you should throw away at the beginning of a new year.

1. Clothes (and shoes) you don’t wear anymore.

Take a quick inventory of your closet. How many items in there do you actually wear? Chances are, you wear a lot less than you think. Take a couple hours to sort through your clothes and shoes. Try stuff on to see if it still fits. If it’s stained, ripped, shrunken, or stretched out, you’ll probably never wear it again. Create a donate pile and drop it all off, asap.

2. Spoiled food.

It may sound obvious, but expired foods can become easily hidden in refrigerators or pantries. Empty everything out and take a look at the expiration dates before putting anything back.

3. Printed photos.

Okay, hear us out. When was the last time you really looked through all your old pictures? They’re probably taking up a lot of precious storage space in your home, right? And with so many digital storage options out there (that are more likely to protect your photos anyway), there’s no reason you shouldn’t convert those photos to a digital format and toss all the paper copies. You could also put them into photo albums to save some space; make sure that, along the way, you toss all the ones that aren’t worth keeping. If you just can’t bear to part with your photos, consider putting them in a storage unit for safe, out of the way storage.

4. Excess bathroom goods.

It’s amazing how bathroom drawers turn into “catchalls” so quickly. Those little crevices get crammed with cotton swabs, travel-sized toiletries, and extra sets of tweezers. To start the new year, empty them all out and get rid of any trash or duplicate items. It will make your whole bathroom feel refreshed.

5. Catalogs and magazines.

It’s really tempting to hold on to your favorite magazines forever, but they’re just adding clutter to your home. Take a deep breath and toss them before you think twice. You’ll never miss them (and if you do, most articles can be found online now, anyway).

6. Old mail.

Whether it’s junk you should have thrown away immediately, or a bill you’ve been putting off looking at, sort through your mail stack and throw away what you don’t need. Keep a separate pile with any items that are actionable (bills, registrations, etc.). Whenever possible, tackle those action items right away, so you can throw those out, too!

7. Old electronics.

These days, electronics get old fast. Most people have an old cell phone or camera lying around gathering dust. Don’t be afraid to let them go. Look up websites that will buy your used electronics from you. Don’t forget to get rid of the charger, too; you won’t be needing it, and it’ll be one less cord getting tangled up in your drawer.
The new year is the perfect time for a (literal) clean slate. Toss out these seven things and say hello to a fresh start!
If you can’t throw it away—store it! Arizona Storage Centers offers safe and affordable self-storage solutions in Gilbert, AZ and the greater Phoenix area. With locations in Phoenix, Glendale, Chandler, Deer Valley, and Gilbert, you’re sure to find a facility near you. For more information, call 480-386-6022.