Tips for Storing Clothes

As seasons come and go, you can actually save yourself quite a bit of closet and drawer space by storing seasonal clothing until you need them again. This is especially true for those living here in the Phoenix, Arizona area, where heavy coats and other winter clothing are used very seldom.
It’s important to pay attention to how you are storing your clothing to ensure they are ready for use when you need them again. Here we share some tips on how to consider the next time you begin packing clothes away:

Avoiding Mildew

The last thing you want is to begin unpacking your winter clothes the next time you need them only to find that they have been destroyed by mildew. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep prevent this from happening such as:
· Be sure your storage area is well ventilated
· Store garments loosely so they can breathe and receive adequate air circulation
· Avoid using fabric finish or starch on garments that will be stored
· Use a chemical desiccant, such as calcium chloride or silica gel

Clean Your Clothes Before Storing

It’s always a good idea to wash your clothing before storing them. Critters and insects can be drawn to even the tiniest amount of food, drink or even perspiration. You should also try to store clothing in dark, clean containers, as light tends to fade colors and attract insects. Also, be aware that storing your clothes in extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause damage.

Storage for Specific Types of Clothing

There are some specific tips and ideas for storing certain types of clothing that can make a big difference in protecting them and extending their usability. Here are just a few ideas:
· Leather and suede clothing should be stored somewhere cool and well ventilated. If you can, cover your leather items with white muslin that’s been washed.
· Linen garments are best stored rolled. If left stored for too long with a fold, it is likely that the fold will become permanent.
· Wool should be thoroughly cleaned and then carefully wrapped in tissue paper. It’s also a good idea to add mothballs to the area or container where wool is stored to prevent moth damage.
· Knit and silk fabrics will retain their shape better if stored flat. Hanging these items for too long can lead to the garments stretching or losing their shape.
It’s usually better to store clothing in boxes or trunks rather than plastic bags or bins, as this allows for better air circulation.
Arizona Storage Centers offers climate controlled storage units if you are planning on storing clothing for long periods of time. To learn more or for answers to your questions about storing clothing, feel free to give us a call at 480-386-6022.