Using Pinterest for Your Next Home Organization Project

You know you want your home to be more organized, but you might not be sure what that will really look like. Lucky for you, there’s a website for that. Pinterest was introduced to the online community several years ago, and has been gaining in popularity ever since.
If you’re not totally familiar with Pinterest, here’s the basics: users create “boards” to which they can “pin” images from the Internet. Think digital inspiration boards. It’s not only a ton of fun, but it’s a very useful tool when it comes to envisioning and completing a project.
If you want your home to become a well-organized, de-cluttered haven, Pinterest can be your best friend. Here are a few pointers for using Pinterest for your next home organization project.

Start a new board for each project.

Your pins will be no good if you can’t find them, or know which project you want to use them for! If you’re starting a new project, start a new board. You can have as many boards as you like, and having separate boards will keep your thoughts and ideas organized.

Use the “search” feature.

Pinterest has its own search feature that will let you search any public pins that others have made, or your own pins only. Use keywords related to your project, like “closet,” “pantry,” or “home organization” to get the ideas flowing. Pinterest will even suggest new words to add on to your search to make it more applicable to your specific project.

Get a browser plugin.

If you’re really loving Pinterest, and you find yourself using it often, consider installing a button on your browser that will allow you to grab and pin images from any website. A quick search for “pinterest browser button” should lead you in the right direction! Once installed, if you see an image you like on a blog or website, click the button and choose the image you want to pin, followed by the board you want to pin it to. Done.

Make sure repins take you somewhere.

If you are “re-pinning” images that others have already pinned on Pinterest, make sure to follow the link tied to the image first. Typically, when you click on a pin, it will take you to the page the image is originally from. This is essential when you’re trying to do DIY projects, since the webpage will likely have instructions for you that you can’t figure out from the image alone. Some pins, however, link to nowhere. This is very frustrating if you need further explanation! So check links as you go, and you’ll be less likely to end up disappointed.

Don’t be afraid to overpin… or delete.

You can’t run out of space on your Pinterest board, so don’t worry about having “too many” pins—there really is no such thing! On the other hand, if you notice that your board is getting bogged down with pins that you don’t really love or would never actually implement, you can (and should) delete the pins you don’t need. Stay on top of it, and it will be a more useful tool!
Pinterest is going to give you tons of ideas for your next home organization project; the next step is implementing them all! If you find yourself in need of a place to store some unused items, consider a self storage unit at Arizona Storage Centers. We have a variety of unit sizes and various locations, so you can get the right amount of storage, at the right price, right where you need it. Give us a call at 480-386-6022 today!