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Archive for year: 2019

Why Self-Storage Is the Gift You Give Yourself

‘Tis the season for giving! This time of year, we spend a lot of time searching for the perfect gifts to give to friends and family. But some of the best gifts we give are the ones we give to ourselves, all year long. The gifts we give ourselves are often useful, practical things that make our lives a little easier, sometimes even solving problems we didn’t know we had.
We certainly think self storage falls into this category. It keeps giving all year long, benefitting your home and life in noticable ways. Here’s why we think self storage is the ultimate gift you can give yourself.

It frees up room in your home.

This is perhaps the biggest benefit self storage can bring to your life. A storage unit frees up valuable space in your home, whether that’s in the garage, the guest room, the linen closet, or the pantry. All that space can be put to good use by you and your family, but not if it’s overrun with clutter and items you never use but don’t want to get rid of. By moving some of your belongings into storage, you free up space for the things that you do use regularly. This ultimately leads to a cleaner, more clutter-free home and a more calm environment.

It brings peace of mind.

It’s true that having a less cluttered home can bring a little peace into your life immediately, but self storage can give you peace of mind in more ways as well. With a self storage unit, you know that your items are secure and protected. There’s no chance of them being stolen from your home, or damaged (by, say, a car pulling into the garage). Keeping your valuables out of the way protects them from any in-home accidents, and as long as they are packaged and stored properly, your items will stay in good shape until you’re ready to pull them out again.

It offers flexibility.

Need to store a delicate or temperature sensitive item? Some storage facilities offer temperature controlled units to keep valuable artwork, musical instruments, or antique furniture in top condition.

It allows you to keep things you don’t have a place for.

If you have an item that has sentimental value, but you don’t have room to keep it in your home, a storage unit is the perfect solution. You can hang on to items that you love, without sacrificing space.

It’s there when you need it.

If you have to move unexpectedly, have to manage a deceased loved one’s estate, need somewhere to store extra inventory for your business, or just need a place to hide Christmas presents, having a storage unit gives you a convenient solution for more space. It’s easily accessible and a total blank slate, ready to serve whatever purpose you need it to.
When you’re thinking about gifts you can give to brighten up the lives of your friends and family this holiday season, don’t forget to think about how you can make your own life easier with the simple addition of a storage unit. You just might be surprised at the difference it makes!
Need top-notch self storage in the Phoenix area? Then you need Arizona Storage Centers. With facilities in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, and Gilbert, we provide flexible and reliable storage options that you can feel good about. Stop by one of our centers today, or give us a call at 480-386-6022 to learn more about us. We look forward to serving you!

Setting Yourself Up for Holiday Decor Success…Next Year

The presents have been unwrapped, the fruitcake has been put away (again), and the last carol has played on the radio. Now there’s not much left to do…except take down all the holiday decorations.
As much as we all love holiday decorations, they are often a bit of a hassle to put up and to take down. That said, a little bit of prep this year might go a long way in saving yourself a little headache next year.
Here are some things to be aware of as you put your holiday decor away that will help set you up for decorating success in Christmases yet to come.

Keep it all Together

Ever gone to put your Christmas decorations away…and found a box of decorations that somehow never got put up (#facepalm)? It happens to the best of us. To avoid such a mishap in the future, stash all your holiday decor in the same storage space. If possible, label the boxes, or use a certain color box to indicate holiday decor. If you find that your holiday decor is taking over your garage or in-home storage space, expand to a self storage unit and keep your decor safe and out of the way until you need it again.

Throw Away Unwanted Items

There’s no reason to store something that you don’t want anymore. If you have broken items, either get rid of them or make sure they are properly repaired before packing them away. If a certain item doesn’t have a good place to be displayed in your home, got in the way of your day to day life, or simply doesn’t bring you joy anymore, don’t be afraid to donate it and keep your holiday decor to items you truly love.


Untangle Lights

Holiday lights are the stereotypical holiday headache makers. There’s nothing like spending 30 minutes untangling a strand of lights only to find out that none of them work (even if they worked before you untangled them). Before packing, untangle all your strands, test them to make sure they’re working, and then wrap them around a plastic reel to ensure smooth sailing next year. (And if you really want to be on top of your game, go buy some extra strands of lights while they’re on clearance, and stash them in their boxes alongside your other lights. You’ll have replacements strands ready to go next year, just in case.)

Package Appropriately

When you’re putting anything into storage, it’s important that it be packaged properly to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged or broken during moving, or during its 11-month stint in a box. Before packing items, dust them or wipe them down, put them in protective boxes, bags, or bins if you have them, and place them carefully in a larger storage box. Fragile items should be wrapped in bubble wrap, or, ideally, in the styrofoam packaging they came in. Artificial trees should be put in a storage bag (yes, there are bags specifically for this purpose) or placed in a sturdy cardboard box. Be extra careful with special ornaments or other keepsakes, and label your boxes “fragile” as appropriate.
Following these tips should help you out when it’s time to bust out the holiday decor next year. With any luck, putting up your decor next year will be as joyful as the season itself.
Looking for the perfect place to stash your holiday decor until the season rolls around again? Arizona Storage Centers offers convenient, secure, and reliable storage, along with the best service in the business, for customers in the Phoenix area. We have facilities in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Gilbert, and Chandler, so no matter where you are, you’re never too far away from your unit. We’d love to chat with you about how we can help meet your storage needs. Give us a call at 480-386-6022 or stop by one of our centers today.

19 Simple, Home-Related Resolutions for 2019

The new year is coming up fast, and for many of us, that means that it’s time to make resolutions. The problem is, most people end up ditching their resolutions after a few weeks (guilty) because they realize that the goals they set are unrealistic or overly complicated.
If you’re looking for a new way to make resolutions in 2019, consider ditching the typical, vague statements (“eat healthier,” “exercise more,” and “save money” come to mind), and instead give yourself a list of tasks to accomplish over the course of the entire year. This list is the perfect place to put things that you’ve been meaning to do for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to. Resolve to do them in the new year, and you’ll have your most productive year yet.
We know firsthand how a clean and organized home can contribute to your overall happiness and well being. Making home-related resolutions can help you can a clean and organized home as you work to tackle other resolutions throughout the year. To give you some inspiration, we’ve compiled our own list of 19 simple, home-related resolutions you could make for 2019.

    1. Dust hard to reach places (ceiling fans, above cabinets, etc.)
    2. Sort through books and donate ones you don’t want anymore
    3. Touch up the paint throughout the house
    4. Replace broken fixtures (think: ceiling lights, bathroom faucets, etc.)
    5. Clean out the garage
    6. Organize your craft supplies
    7. Update the pictures in your picture frames
    8. Defrost (and clean out) your freezer
    9. Clean out your closet
    10. Gather kids’ clothes that don’t fit anymore and donate them
    11. Have your carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned
    12. Create an emergency binder full of important documents and information
    13. Deep clean your mattress and wash your pillows
    14. Get a storage unit to keep things safe away from home
    15. Go through your game collection and throw away anything that is broken or missing pieces
    16. Clean out your bathroom drawers
    17. Clean and organize your tools
    18. Change your air filters
    19. Get rid of extra pots, pans, and kitchen utensils


The list of possibilities is endless, and of course you’ll want to create a list that fits your specific needs, but hopefully this list will help you get a good head start as you make simple, realistic, home-related resolutions for 2019.
If you’re planning to do some decluttering this year, you’re going to want to get a storage unit to give you a safe place to put the things you can’t seem to get rid of. Arizona Storage Centers is the best option in the Valley, providing secure and reliable storage, along with friendly customer service, in Chandler, Gilbert, Phoenix, Deer Valley, and Glendale. Stop by today to check out our facilities and options, or give us a call at 480-386-6022. We look forward to serving you.

Keys to a Minimalist Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of peace on Earth… hypothetically. In reality, the holidays often leave many of us feeling tired and worn ragged by the hustle and bustle. The shopping, the cooking, the baking, the wrapping, the caroling, the parties—it can all add up to a season that is more “stress and chaos” than “comfort and joy.”
Minimalism is a lifestyle that has grown popular in recent years for its promotion of a slower paced, simpler life. Having less, doing less, and stressing less are key hallmarks of minimalism, and they are all things that could potentially make the holidays a little better as well.
With this in mind, we’re applying minimalism to the holiday season to see how the concept of “less” might add a little more joy to your holiday. Here are the keys to a more minimalist holiday season.

Give (and get) experiences, not things.

One key to a minimalist lifestyle is having fewer things. Less “stuff” in your space promotes a peaceful environment. This holiday season, give the people you love experiences rather than things, and ask that they do the same for you and your family. You’ll keep the clutter at bay and you’ll feel more peaceful during the holidays and all year round. Some great “experience gift” ideas:
– Membership to a zoo or museum
– Movie tickets
– Tickets to a concert or play
– A nice meal out

Scale back the decor.

While holiday decor is, for many people, a sentimental part of the season, it can also get out of hand pretty quickly. Take stock of your current decor. What do you still love? What have you always hated? If you have undecorated spaces in your home, how can you use what you already have to fill them? Answering these questions will help you avoid buying new decorations you don’t really need, and may inspire you to get rid of some of the things that no longer bring you joy.

Keep the treats under control.

Two weeks into the season, kitchen counters are often overflowing with seasonal candies, treats brought over by neighbors, and more. While it’s not a bad thing to indulge, don’t let it get out of control, especially if it’s taking up precious counter space. Eat perishable treats as soon as possible (or discard them if you don’t think you’ll finish them), and store everything else in containers and out of sight. Bring out one treat at a time.

Make a place for everything.

There are some holiday things (we’re looking at you, cards and wrapping paper) that don’t always have a designated place. That means that they end up floating around anywhere, taking up space and stressing you out. Create a place to display your cards, and a place to keep your wrapping supplies. Find homes for any other “homeless” holiday items. You’ll feel much more organized and in control.

Focus on the people.

Make sure you are taking time to make memories with the people you love. Whether it’s watching a classic holiday movie together, driving around to look at lights, or serving together in your community, spending time with your friends and family will truly make the holiday a little brighter.
Taking these simple steps toward a more minimalist holiday season just might be your key to a more peaceful time of year. So slow down, focus on what’s important, let go of what isn’t, and enjoy.
Want to incorporate more minimalism in your home? Use a self-storage center to store all your excess items. Arizona Storage Centers in Phoenix, Glendale, Chandler, Gilbert, and Deer Valley can help you with all your self-storage needs. We have many different unit sizes and features to keep your belongings safe and sound, no matter the time of year. Stop by one of our centers today, or call us at 480-386-6022.

The Best Hiding Spots for Holiday Gifts

If you’re the “get your holiday shopping done early” type, you’ve likely encountered the problem of where to hide all those presents before it’s time to wrap them and give them. You don’t want to use all the usual hiding spots (kids can sniff those out in a heartbeat), but if you get too tricky, you run the risk of not being able to remember where you hid it when you need it. (Then you happen to find it in April, and things just get awkward.)
We’re here to help, with this list of the best hiding spots for holiday gifts.

Holiday Decor Storage Boxes

Chances are, you’ve got a few boxes sitting around that are usually used to hold your holiday decor. But since your holiday decor is now on display in your home, they’re sitting empty. Utilize that space to hide gifts. The boxes won’t stand out (since they’re always in the garage, or under the stairs, or wherever they’re kept), and you’ll be able to keep everything relatively close together, so it’s easy to pull the gifts out when you need them.

Storage Unit

If you really want to make sure your gifts aren’t found, take them off-site. A self storage unit is the perfect place to hide holiday gifts. There are many different sizes of units available, so you can be sure that even a large haul of gifts will fit. Arizona Storage Centers also offers features like temperature controlled units, so if you have any delicate items, they can be stored safely as well.


No one looks inside luggage if you don’t have a trip coming up. That means that anything you hide inside a suitcase or duffel bag is likely to go undisturbed. Keep the luggage in its usual storage place to avoid suspicion.

Upper Cabinets

You know those super high cabinets in the kitchen that you have to stand on a chair to reach? They usually house kitchen items that aren’t used often, but during the holidays, they just might be the perfect place to stash gifts. Since these will be very far out of sight, make sure you have some kind of reminder of this hiding place.


Do you have a car that the rest of your family typically doesn’t use? (Maybe a commuter car, for example?) You could easily store gifts in the back seat, especially if they’re kept in a plain box or bag to avoid any accidental sightings. You could also use the trunk of just about any car, since kids don’t really use the trunk on a regular basis.

Clothing Drawers

While the closet is the first place everyone looks for hidden gifts, dresser drawers often go unnoticed. Smaller gifts should be plenty safe buried beneath your folded clothing.
No matter where you decide to stash your gifts, it’s always a good idea to keep a list of what present is kept where. This will help you avoid a lot of frustration when it’s time to get wrapping!
Happy hiding, happy gifting, and happy holidays!
Arizona Storage Centers offers secure and convenient options for all your storage (and gift hiding) needs. We have centers in Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Glendale, and Deer Valley, and we pride ourselves on our top-notch security and exceptional customer service. Stop by one of our centers today, or call us at 480-386-6022 for more information.

Prepping Your Kitchen For the Holidays

The holidays are a time for tradition, family, and of course—food! Whether you enjoy spending hours on end in the kitchen, or you call in catered meals to save yourself some time, most people end up spending a good amount of time prepping, cooking, serving, and eating food.
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of food preparation, having an organized and well-stocked kitchen will save you a lot of stress when it comes time to make or serve the food. So before the holiday crazy hits, spend an hour or two implementing these tips for prepping your kitchen for the holidays.

Have More Than Enough Plates and Silverware

There’s nothing worse than running out of plates or silverware when you’re hosting a get together. (Ever had to serve a turkey dinner in a cereal bowl?) Make sure you have more than enough on hand, and if you’re not sure, a backup supply of disposable plates and silverware should cover any potential emergencies.

Clear Space in the Fridge

That cream pie has to be kept in the fridge…but where’s it going to fit? Rather than balance the pie on one hand while trying to clear out three bottles of expired ketchup with the other, take a minute to clear a good amount of space in your fridge. Things to consider when deciding how much space you need:

  • – Are you making anything ahead of time that will need to be refrigerated until it’s cooked?
  • – Do you have drinks that need to be chilled?
  • – Will your dishes fit in the fridge space available?
  • – What’s your plan for leftovers?

    Find a Place for Everything

    What could be more frustrating than not being able to find your measuring cup, rolling pin, favorite serving dish, or a clean cutting board when you’re trying to prepare a holiday meal? You need to make sure there’s a place for everything—and that everything is in its place—before embarking on your cooking adventure. It’ll save you a headache, for sure. Plus, if anyone else will be helping you in the kitchen, you’ll be able to direct them exactly where they need to go. (Decluttering is a great place to start!)

    Stock Up on the Basics

    It’s always a good idea to keep your kitchen and pantry stocked with basic goods, but it’s pretty much essential during the holidays. You’ll want to have plenty of your most used ingredients on hand (think: flour, sugar, baking soda, oil, cream, etc.), with extra to spare in case of emergencies. Nobody wants to have to make a last minute run to the grocery store on a holiday, so take a moment to take inventory and shop ahead of time.

    Clean the Linens

    Haven’t used that tablecloth since last Thanksgiving? What about those cloth napkins? If your linens are getting a little musty, make sure you pull them out ahead of time and wash them or air them out.
    With a few simple steps, you can feel confident that your kitchen will be ready for whatever this holiday season throws at it.
    Need to free up a little space in your kitchen? Move some unused items into an Arizona Storage Centers storage unit. We have many different unit sizes and options, and our secure facilities and outstanding customer service will help you know you’ve made the right choice. Visit one of our centers in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, or Gilbert, or call us at 480-386-6022 to learn more!

How to Create a Welcoming Guest Room

It’s that time of year—when friends and family come from all over to be together for the holidays. If you’ll be hosting out of town guests this season, you’ve probably started to put some thought into how to make sure your guests are as comfortable in your home as possible. What will they need? How will you entertain them? How can you go above and beyond to create a truly welcoming environment for them?
It’s not always easy to make room for more people, but with the right plan in place, your guest room will give your guests a comfortable and welcoming place to enjoy their trip. Here are some of our best tips for creating a welcoming guest room.

Designate a Space.

Have a space in mind before your guests arrive, so that you can prep it accordingly and avoid any last minute problems. Ideally, of course, this would be a guest room—a bedroom (preferably with its own bathroom) that is somewhat separate from the other bedrooms and gives guests plenty of space. Unfortunately, not everyone has a guest bedroom in their home. If you don’t, see what space you can clear up. Can you move your children into the same room for a couple nights? Can you set up a home office or playroom to be a makeshift guest room? If you’re really short on space, separating part of a living room or family room would suffice. The important thing is that there is a separate place for your guests to keep their things and have a little space to themselves. Make sure you designate a bathroom for them to use, too!

Clear out Clutter.

Has that guest room become a magnet for all the things in your house that don’t have a home elsewhere? If that spare room is all cluttered up, it isn’t going to be a very relaxing place for your guests to be. Take some time to clear away stacks of papers, unused items, old furniture, and other junk that might be detracting from the welcoming feeling in your guest room.

Make it Comfy.

Sleeping accommodations can make or break a stay away from home. Do your very best to make your guests comfortable by providing them with a comfortable mattress (even a good quality air mattress will do), real bedding, and good quality pillows. Don’t worry too much about your guests having any special needs (if they do, they’ll probably bring what they need themselves) but do consider having extra pillows and blankets available for them to use.

Take it a step Further.

While bedding is very important to your guests’ comfort, it’s really only one piece of the puzzle. If you want them to know you were thinking about their comfort, include touches like:

  • A space heater or portable fan so they can adjust temperatures to their liking.
  • A white noise machine.
  • A light source (table or overhead lamp).
  • Fresh towels.
    If you’re really wanting to go the extra mile, you could include things like an inexpensive pair of slippers, water bottles in the room, and some nice toiletries (think: in-home hotel experience). Most guests will not be expecting this at all, but that just makes it all the more special.

    Have a (rough) Itinerary.

    Schedule out big events, and then fill in the blanks with other activities you could do together. Having a list for them to choose from will make entertaining much easier. You might want to also consider building some alone time into their stay, allowing them to spend some of their time however they choose. You probably know your guest better than we do, so take their preferences into account when determining how much scheduling to do.
    Hosting at the holidays can be overwhelming, and many people who host out of town guests feel a lot of pressure to meet a certain standard. The most important thing you can do is be hospitable and thoughtful; your guests will appreciate that more than anything else!
    Need a little extra storage room to free up some space? Arizona Storage Centers offers convenient and reliable storage for Arizonans in Phoenix, Deer Valley, Gilbert, Chandler, and Glendale. You’ll love our flexible unit options and exceptional customer service—but what you’ll really love is a less-cluttered home! Visit one of our facilities today, or give us a call at 480-386-6022.

4 House Projects to Complete Before Selling Your Home

Thinking about putting your house on the market? It’s an exciting time for you and your family, but it also probably means a good deal of work ahead. Not only is there the work of moving everything that you own into a new home, but you also have to prepare your current home to sell. And, you want to do everything you can to make sure it sells quickly, and at a price that is fairly close to your asking price.

So what are some of these things you can do to help move things along? There are plenty of small things, like making sure the house is very clean before opening it up for showings, putting a good amount of thought and care into your listing and the pictures that accompany it, and following best practices for staging your home. But there are a few bigger projects that you’ll want to tackle before you even list your home for sale.

Here are the projects we recommend getting done before selling your home.

1. Get rid of (a lot of) clutter.

You might be tempted to think this doesn’t qualify as a “bigger” project. Well, think again. Most of us have more “stuff” than we realize, and a move usually makes this glaringly apparent. If you take the time to clear out a lot of your stuff before you list your home, you’ll accomplish two things. First, you’ll make your move much easier, since you are already half-packed. Second, it will be much easier to give your home the clean, “blank slate” feeling that many buyers are looking for when choosing a home. So rent a storage unit, and pack up and clear out anything that you don’t absolutely need. It will make your life easier, and your home easier to sell.

2. Repair broken windows and doors.

Windows or doors that creak, stick, jam, or otherwise don’t function well, do not leave a good impression on potential buyers. If you have windows and doors that require a little attention, especially if the problem is visible, take some time to make these repairs before listing the home. All it takes is for a buyer to notice one broken thing to make them wonder what other problems the home is hiding.

3. Re-paint.

If there’s one thing you can do that will have a big impact on your home’s appeal, it’s updating the paint. Not only will you be able to say that the home has been freshly painted, you’ll also be creating a clean feeling throughout the house that will appeal to buyers. Choose a paint in a light, neutral color (consider asking at the hardware or paint supply store for popular options); this will lighten up the home and give it a fresh, updated look. If you’re unable to repaint your entire house, you should at least repaint rooms where the paint is noticeably bad. Or, if even that isn’t an option, touch up the worst places and wash or dust the rest. Remember: you’re going for a clean, bright appearance.

4. Give your landscaping some love.

Not only is the front of the house the first thing potential buyers will see, but the backyard will create a backdrop for everything they see once they’re inside. As such, it’s important that both the front and back of your house are well-kept and as clean as possible before listing. Clear out any trash, junk, or other debris from the yard, and make sure any toys or play equipment are in good, clean condition. Cut the grass, trim the hedges, and plant flowers or trees to show that you’ve taken pride of ownership in your yard (and by extension, your house). If you have a pool, fountain, or other water feature, make sure it is clean, clear, and functional before showing or taking pictures of the home. These projects can go a long way when it comes to selling your home successfully.

You’ll have plenty of work to occupy your time once the selling, buying, and moving process is underway, so get these large projects out of the way before the other chaos starts. These projects will pay off in the end as your home photographs well, shows well, and hopefully, sells well.

If you’re looking for a storage unit in the Phoenix area to help you with your upcoming move, look no further than Arizona Storage Centers. We have facilities throughout the Valley, in Glendale, Phoenix, Deer Valley, Chandler, and Gilbert, that offer flexible and convenient storage solutions for secure keeping of all your belongings. Give us a call at 480-386-6022 to learn more about our storage options, or visit one of our centers to talk with a friendly associate today. We look forward to helping you!

Food Storage 101: What to Store and How to Store It

Keeping a small stockpile of food is a good idea for many reasons. For one, having a decent stock of foods you commonly eat can help you save on your grocery bill, should the need to pinch pennies ever arise. For another, if your area is ever affected by a natural disaster, food and supplies at your local store may be hard to come by, making it crucial to have easy access to food. Other families simply like to be prepared at all times, for any situation that might make it difficult for them to otherwise find or buy food.
Whatever the reason, storing food is a smart idea, but it’s also an overwhelming one. How do you know what to store? Where will you keep it? How do you make sure it doesn’t go bad? Today, we won’t dive too deeply into the topic, but we will give you some surface level information that can help you get started with your own stockpile of food.

What To Store

The most common problem people face when it comes to food storage is trying to decide what foods to store. The best answer is to store foods that your family enjoys and eats regularly. While that may seem difficult, there are many ways to adapt recipes to accommodate easy-to-store foods. Here are some foods that should definitely be included as you build your own stock of food.


This deserves a top spot on the list, because it is the most important. Not only will water be necessary for drinking (in case of an emergency), but it will also help you cook foods or rehydrate dehydrated foods. Store water in specially outfitted water barrels, or in old soda bottles or water jugs if necessary. If you are stocking up in case of emergency, plan on one gallon of water per person, per day.

Pasta and Jarred Sauce

Pasta is a food with a long shelf life, making it a good candidate for long term storage. While it does take water and a cooking method to prepare (perhaps making it a less convenient option for emergency situations), pasta is a great thing to store for times of financial difficulty. Jarred pasta sauces will also keep well, so you can have a good stockpile of easy and tasty meals, just from these two things alone.

Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh produce can be expensive during times of financial hardship, and it may be hard to come by in times of emergency. Since you can’t store fresh vegetables and fruits long-term, it’s a good idea to store them in their dehydrated forms. While this method may alter the taste of the food, it’s better than nothing.

Canned Foods

Another option for fruits and vegetables is canned goods. Canned foods have a long shelf life and are very easy to prepare. What’s more, there are many options available to you as canned foods, including certain meats (tuna, chicken) and soups, which can be an entire meal.


Protein is vital to nutrition, so make sure your food storage includes some protein-rich options. Suggestions might include beef jerky (or jerky from another meat), protein bars, peanut butter, or even protein powders that can be mixed into foods or drinks.

How to Store It

Most foods require storage in a cool, dry place. Somewhere indoors is usually ideal. Pantry space is the obvious choice, but if you don’t have room in your pantry, try to find space in closets or under beds. If you garage is temperature controlled, you could use that. If not, you can still use the garage if absolutely necessary. A temperature controlled storage unit would work as well.
Make sure containers are clean and dry, and that cans aren’t pierced or dented, before adding them to your storage. Also, make sure that expiration dates are clearly visible. Along those same lines, you’ll want to periodically rotate the items in your food storage, using soon-to-be-expired items and replacing them with a fresh stock.
If you follow these guidelines, you should be well on your way to having a decent stockpile of food to help you and your family be prepared. Hopefully, the need will never arise, but if it does, you’ll be glad you were ready for it.
Arizona Storage Centers offers reliable and secure storage throughout the Phoenix area. We offer temperature controlled units that keep your most precious items (or your stockpile of food) safe. We have facilities located in Gilbert, Chandler, Deer Valley, Phoenix, and Glendale, so your storage unit is never too far away. We’d love to help you with your self-storage needs, so please drop by one of our centers today, or give us a call at 480-386-6022.

5 Benefits of Practicing Minimalism at Home

We’ve all seen the pictures of minimalist homes. Whether on Pinterest or in everyone’s favorite Scandinavian catalog, the rooms that are sparsely furnished and decorated somehow stand out. And while part of our brains think, “Ah, that looks nice,” another part is probably thinking, “There’s no way I could ever live like that.”
Minimalism is attractive to each of us in one way or another, but it doesn’t seem like an actual possibility. Can people really survive with fewer than one dozen quilts? Can a wall in your home remain standing if it doesn’t have a complicated gallery wall hanging on it? Can a bed even be called a bed if at least 50% of its surface isn’t covered in pillows?
Okay, those are extreme examples. But in reality, minimalism in the home brings many benefits with it. And while many of us may not be able to go all in on a minimalist lifestyle, we really could benefit from incorporating just a few elements of minimalism in our homes. Here are five ways minimalism can benefit your home and family.

1. Less Clutter

Close your eyes and imagine that space in your home. You know, the one that collects all the “stuff” that doesn’t really have a home elsewhere. Did you think of only one space…or more like three or four? When we have a lot of stuff, it’s easy for clutter to start taking over our homes and lives. The more clutter that piles up, the less enjoyable our homes are to live in. Cut back on the clutter, and you’ll take more pride in your space and find more peace and joy in your home.

2. More Time

Minimalists, by definition, only have the things that they need. This means no excess clothes, dishes, toys, linens, and so on. And less stuff is much easier to maintain. Minimalism allows you to spend less time cleaning, picking up, putting away, sorting, organizing, and stuffing things into closets until they’re jam-packed. So go minimalist, and watch your calendar free up a bit.

3. Surrounded by Things you Love

When you commit to owning less, you can be more sure that you’re only going to buy and keep things that you truly love. That means no more artwork you aren’t sure about, no more scratchy sweaters you never wear staring at you in your closet, and no more extra sets of sheets (that never ever get used) taking up precious space in your linen closet. You’ll only see, use, and interact with things that you really love and are deliberately choosing to keep in your home. If that’s not a recipe for a happier home, I don’t know what is.

4. More Money

Minimalists own less, so they also buy less. We’d all probably be amazed at how much of our incomes we spend on things that we don’t really need. Our closets alone can probably attest to this (how many things in there still have the tags on? That’s money wasted.) Accumulating less isn’t just going to be good for your home and the environment, it’s going to be good on your wallet.

5. Less Stress

Our culture is largely one of consumption and comparison. We all seem to be in a race against each other to have the newest versions of the most things, all the time. One of the big benefits of a minimalist lifestyle is that it quickly shows you that you don’t need more stuff to be happy. In fact, as we discussed above, the opposite is often true. Minimalism is a great way to slow down, practice a little gratitude, and enjoy what you have, rather than rushing to get the next thing.
If any of these benefits appeal to you, you might want to give minimalism a try! There are plenty of small steps you can take towards becoming more minimalistic, and even those little adjustments can cause big changes in your home environment. This is one case where less really can be more.
If you’re not quite ready to get rid of your extra stuff for good, consider putting it in a self storage unit. Arizona Storage Centers offers secure storage units with a variety of features, including temperature controlled units, to safeguard even your most valuable items. With locations in Phoenix, Deer Valley, Glendale, Chandler, and Gilbert, Arizona Storage Centers is easily accessible to help make self storage easier for you. Give us a call at 480-386-6022 for more information. We look forward to serving you!