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Archive for year: 2019

3 Tips for Organizing Your Storage Unit

No matter how long you plan on using your storage unit, keeping it neatly organized is important and will help prevent stress and injury. An organized storage unit will ensure your belongings are easy to access when you need them. You’ll also avoid injury from falling boxes or damage to your possessions.
Organizing your storage unit is often over-looked step. People are typically in a hurry as they unload their things into a storage unit and aren’t really thinking about the long-term. All it takes is one stressful afternoon of frantically searching through dozens of boxes looking for a specific item before you realize the benefits of organization.
Here are a few ideas on how you can keep your storage unit organized from day 1:

Choose the Right Size Unit

As you begin to look at different sizes of storage units, remember that it’s better to have a little extra space than no space at all. If choose a unit that is too small, not only will you have a tough time squeezing all of your stuff in, but you’ll leave yourself with no room to move around. Take a look at a few different sizes of storage units to get a feel of how your belongings will fit. Remember to consider how often you will be accessing your possessions so you leave yourself some wiggle room.

Packing for Storage

If you know that you will be storing items for quite a while, it’s a good idea to pack boxes and totes specifically for storage. This requires thinking ahead as to when you will need these items and how you can access them quickly. You’ll also want to be sure that you label things clearly so they are simple to find. There may be some items that you are planning to hang onto, but don’t need to get to while they are in storage. Other items you may need more frequently and should be easier to get to.

Move-In Plan

Similar to moving into a home, it can definitely help to have a move-in plan for your storage unit. This might include storing large furniture and appliances to the rear of your storage unit allowing for smaller items to be placed up front. Consider storing sofas and mattresses on end to allow for more space in your unit. Decide which of your belongings you will need to access most frequently and plan to store those things towards the entrance. Creating a move-in plan and following it will add a little more time, but it will pay off in the long run.
If you feel unsure or have questions about what size storage unit you should rent, be sure to talk to the on-site managers at Arizona Storage Centers. We’ve been in the business for quite some time now and are more than willing to offer our insight and advice. You can reach us at 480-386-6022. We’re happy to show you the many different options we offer so you can choose just the right unit for your needs.

New Year’s Organization Resolutions

As we ring in the New Year, many of us will reflect on how we can make life better this year, including how to keep our homes more neat and organized. This sometimes feels like a never-ending goal. Just when we feel we’re reached a new level of organization, something new will come up in life that forces us to re-focus our efforts.


Still, there are some basics when it comes to organizing that can make a big difference. If you’re contemplating your New Year’s goals for an organized home, consider the following ideas:


Organize Your Closet


Most of us seem to have a love-hate relationship with our closet and it seems to depend on the day. There’s nothing better than a clean and well-organized closet while a closet that looks like a tornado hit is sure to cause extra stress. Make it a resolution to get your closet good and organized once and for all. Take the time to find a place for everything so there’s no clutter or loose items. You’ll likely find that it doesn’t take quite as long as you initially anticipated to get things in order.


In The Kitchen


There’s a chance you may have seen something on Pinterest or even a Home Depot commercial on how you can better organize your kitchen cabinets or pantries. While some of your kitchen may be already organized just exactly as you would like it, chances are there are other areas that need some major help. This year, make it a point to get your kitchen pantry and cabinets organized so they are functional and efficient.


Out In The Garage


Many people have found that their garages have slowly transformed from a place to keep their cars to a giant storage closet. A garage can easily become a catchall, where all of the stuff we don’t know where to keep ends up. On the other hand, a well-kept and organized garage can make a huge difference in keeping the entire house more organized. Make some time this year to really stop and focus on your garage. Clear out clutter, organize tools and re-think what you store there and how.


Additional Storage


You might find that you have lots of stuff both in your home and in the garage that takes up too much space, but you aren’t ready to get rid of yet. In that case, consider a clean and secure storage unit that you can easily access. This will help free up space around the house and allow you to hang on to your belongings until you need them.


Having a self-storage unit at Gilbert Self Storage might be just the ticket for keeping your home clean and organized this year. You’ll be surprised at the burst of energy you get from a clean and organized home! Call us today to learn more about the many storage options we offer – 480-386-6022.


Storing Holiday Decorations

It’s that time of the year when the holiday decorations, including lights, wreaths and Christmas trees are everywhere you look. Some people take their decorating more seriously than others, with displays that include dozens of strings of lights, inflatable santa’s and snowmen and tons of other decorations for both inside and outside. Others choose to keep their decorations to a minimum. Either way, at some point, the holiday season will end and all of those decorations will need to be boxed up and stored until next year.
You may have asked yourself, as many others do, if there is a better way to pack and store Christmas decorations. Not only do you want to keep your decorations safe and intact for next year, but you also want a system that makes them easier to unpack. Here are a few ideas for storing holiday decorations:


Perhaps the most challenging of all decorations to store are Christmas lights. Simply piling them into a box can lead to broken bulbs and tangles that are sure to cause headaches when it’s time to use them again. Consider using a reeling storage device for your lights. Not only do these devices hold hundreds of feet of lights, but they also prevent tangles and unintentional breaks.


The Christmas tree ornaments collected over the years can be expensive. You may have inherited a treasured ornament from a grandparent or decided to spend the extra money on a really nice set. When it’s time to pack the ornaments up at the end of the season, be sure to use a heavy-duty ornament chest or other storage box specifically designed for ornaments. These may be a little bit of an investment, but they’ll help keep your ornaments looking great for years to come.


Chances are, the original box your artificial Christmas tree came in is long gone. Still, you’ll want to have a good storage solution for your tree to keep in good condition for future Christmases. Fortunately, there are several different ideas for Christmas tree storage, including a soft-sided bag with handles or even a rolling case that makes it easier to move from one place to the next.

Gift Wrapping Paper

It’s hard to know what to do with left over wrapping paper at the end of the holiday season. On the one hand, you don’t want to just throw it out – some it can be pretty expensive. At the same time, it can be maddening trying to find the best place to keep it so it won’t get damaged. There are some clever ideas floating around on the internet, including using an old hanging garment bag or creating your own holder with an upside down barstool. It’s also a good idea to identify a safe place in your storage unit or garage where this paper will contact with items that may cause damage.
Many of our customers keep their holiday and Christmas decorations stored in one of our clean and safe storage units here at Arizona Storage Centers. This way, the boxes and boxes of decorations don’t take up space in the garage or storage closets at home. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind that your decorations are protected and good to go when you need them next.
For information on storage units for 2016, call us today at 480-386-6022.

How to Stay Cool During Your Summer Move

Moving during the summer in Phoenix, Arizona can be quite a challenge. There are certain precautions and preparations you’ll want to be sure to take to avoid becoming overheated or dehydrated. Here are a few tips on how to stay cool during your summer move:

Wear the Right Clothing

To start with, be sure you are wearing the right clothing when moving in the summer. Comfortable and loose-fitting clothing will be much more easier to live with and will help you stay cool. Also, be sure to wear light-colored clothing to help deflect the sunlight.

Drink Lots of Water

There’s no way to over-emphasize the importance of staying hydrated while you move. The heat can take its toll on you faster than you think and the last thing you want is to be fighting dehydration while you’re moving. Prepare in advance by having an ice chest ready with lots of bottled water. It’s better to buy too much than too little. When the day of the move comes, be sure to drink water before you even feel that you are getting thirsty. Doing so will help prevent dehydration.

Start Early

The first few hours of the day are probably the best time to load or unload a moving truck in the Phoenix area. If you aren’t able to move in the early morning hours, you might consider waiting until the evening when the sun goes down. Even then the heat can still be a bit overwhelming but it is better than working while the sun is still out.

Take Regular Breaks

Remember to take breaks every once in a while and sit indoors or in the shade to allow your body to cool down. Too much time out in the heat and direct sunlight will quickly zap your energy and slow your body’s ability to recover. It can be tempting to just keep going even when temperatures begin to rise in midday, but this can also be dangerous. Every year there are many reports of heat exhaustion and heat stroke suffered by those who stayed out in the heat too long. Be smart and safe by taking breaks!

Park in the Shade

There’s nothing worse than having to get into a hot car that’s been sitting out in the heat when you’re already hot. You may be surprised to see just how big of a difference it makes to park in the shade. Shade blocks the sun and reduces the temperature in your car by several degrees, which makes getting in much more bearable. Additionally you may want to open your windows a few inches to allow air to flow through the vehicle, which can reduce overall temperatures.
At Cactus Self Storage, we offer convenient access to storage units as well as climate-controlled units that help to make moving in the summer much easier. To find out what types of units are currently available, call us at 480-386-6022.

Need a Place to Store Your Boat?

There’s nothing better than heading to a nearby lake with your boat on hot summer’s day. With so many neighboring lakes in the vicinity, Phoenix is a great place to own a boat. Many lakes are just a short drive away making them easy and convenient to access.
What isn’t so convenient is storing a boat. You can’t park a boat just anywhere. They are often not allowed to be parked in many deed-restricted communities. Apartment parking lots aren’t usually set up to park boats, either. You may be able to park one in your driveway or yard if you have a house, but you’ll have to a security system in place and keep a close eye on it whenever you can, because boats are subject to theft when left out in the open in an unsecured place. Also, storing them at a marina can be very expensive.
If you are looking for a place to keep your boat in between trips to the lake, consider Cactus Self Storage. We offer convenient, safe and easy to use spaces to accommodate boats. Here are just a few of the benefits of storing your boat with us.

Safe and Secure

Not only is our facility gated requiring a gate code to get in and out, but we also have our boat and auto storage towards the back of our property behind all of the storage units. Boat spaces are large to avoid contact with other vehicles. You can rest assured that your boat will be safe from theft or damage.


Your boat will always be easy to access and quick to pick up when it’s time to hit the lake. We make it simple for you to get in and out. On the flip side, when your day at the lake is over, you’ll want to be able to quickly drop your boat off so you can get home for rest and relaxation. Boat owners love the convenience of having their boat in a place they can get to easily and whenever they want to.

Avoid Extra Costs

As we mentioned before, unless you are able to store your boat at home, it can be quite expensive to store a boat at a marina at the lake or even in some other boat storage facilities. As a boat owner, you are already aware of the expenses that come with ownership. You can avoid high costs of storage by choosing Cactus Self Storage.
To learn more about boat storage at our facility, give us a call at 480-386-6022.

Moving Supplies That Are Commonly Overlooked

Now that moving day is here, it’s time to take inventory of the supplies you’ve prepared to help make the move go as smoothly as possible. You’ve got your boxes, your tape and maybe even a dolly, but you still feel like maybe you’re forgetting something.
It’s sometimes difficult to remember everything you will need to have on hand when you’re moving, especially when your mind has been focused on packing everything away. Here we list a few items that can be helpful when moving that are often forgotten or overlooked.

Tape Measure

As you start to move your sofas, dressers or any other large piece of furniture either out of your old home or into your new one, a tape measure can come in handy. Being able to measure a doorway or window and compare it to the dimensions of the furniture can help you negotiate corners and edges easier and avoid damage to your items. If you don’t plan ahead to have a tape measure on hand, you may find yourself frantically searching through boxes and tool bins to find one.

Fresh Markers

Labeling boxes with their contents helps the unloading team know what part of the house they should go to. It also helps you to easily identify and find items that may be needed sooner than later once you have arrived at your new home. While many people plan on labeling their boxes as they go, they may find themselves relying on the markers found around the house that don’t have much life left to them. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to use a marker that is running out of ink or has dried out. Be sure to have some new markers on hand.

Extra Garbage Bags

It’s not uncommon to come across items that you are ready to get rid of as you begin packing your house up. When you know that you are either going to donate or throw out these items, you may not want to use a box, especially if a heavy-duty trash bag will do the job. Hang onto boxes for the items that will be making the move with you. Having extra trash bags on hand can be helpful in many different ways, including for any trash that accumulates during the move or for small items that didn’t make it into a box.
If you are planning on storing any of your possessions in a storage unit, we highly recommend that you use strong sturdy boxes with packing tape and that these boxes are clearly labeled. This will make a big difference.
To learn more about storage solutions, call Cactus Self Storage at 480-386-6022.

Tips for Moving Your Bed Safely and Efficiently

Of all the furniture you will handle the next time you move, your bed and its mattress just might pose the biggest challenge. Both bed frames and mattresses are often large, uniquely shaped and heavy. The last thing you want to do is cause damage to your bed by handling it the wrong way during a move. Here are a few tips that will help ensure your bed arrives at you new home safe and sound and without a scratch.

1. Strip the Mattress Down

Some people think they can save some time by simply moving their mattress with some of the bedding still on. In the long run, you’re better off removing all bedding from the mattress no matter how big of a rush you are in. This will allow you to handle the mattress easier and you’ll avoid dirty or stained bedding that you’ll have to wash anyway.

2. Use a Mattress Cover

There are specially designed mattress covers that can be used when moving a mattress that will protect it from ripping or tearing as you move it. A mattress cover also makes loading the mattress onto a truck and sliding it into position much easier. Typically made of plastic, a mattress cover will help to keep your mattress clean and free of dust or bugs during the time it spends in the moving truck.

3. Transport on its Side

Mattresses tend to take up quite a bit of space in a moving truck or in a storage unit. It’s best to place the mattress on its side and against a wall. This will actually help to conserve space and keep your mattress safe. We suggest that it be one of the first things you load onto a truck or into storage.

4. Take Bed Frame Apart

For those of you who put your bedframe together on your own, you may be cringing at the idea of having to take it all apart again. You don’t necessarily have to take it completely apart. Break it down into basic pieces that will be easy to move. You may be able to get into 4 easy-to-manage pieces that can then be moved through doorways and onto a moving truck without scratches or impact.

5. Keep Hardware and Other Pieces in a Sealed Plastic Bag

When taking your bed frame apart, be sure to carefully place each and every screw, bolt or any other hardware into a plastic bag that you can seal and label. This will help ensure you bed gets back together again the right way.
For more tips on storing mattresses or bed frames, feel free to call Cactus Self Storage at 480-386-6022.

Too Many Toys? What Toys You Should Hold On To

Do you ever feel that your home is overrun with too many toys? It can be surprising to see just how quickly the amount of toys can accumulate whether you have just one child or several. What’s even more alarming is to see how many of those toys are barely touched at all. What might have seemed at the time like the perfect birthday present now sits at the bottom of the toy chest collecting dust.
Even when the number toys in our homes begin to become a problem, it’s not always easy to know which toys to get rid of and which ones to keep. When it comes down to it, each toy seems to represent an amount of money that is not easy to part with. At other times, you might find yourself completely overwhelmed with toys and want to get rid of all of them at once.
The next time you go through a toy purge, consider the following ideas on toys that should stay out of the “Donate” pile:

Educational Toys

For the most part, toys are meant to be fun and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some parents have found that having a healthy balance of fun toys and educational toys makes them feel better about the total amount of toys their children have. Educational toys that help develop math and grammar skills are good to keep around.

Quality Over Quantity

Let’s face it…some of the toys our children have just aren’t made very well. When it’s time to choose which toys should go and which should stay, you’re better off choosing quality over quantity. Toys that are well constructed and designed for a long lifetime are much more likely to be used down the road. Too many toys can become distracting and a nuisance.

What Do You Have Space For?

Another important consideration when deciding which toys should stay and which should go is how much designated space you have for them. When this space begins to fill up and overflow with toys, it may be a good time for a purge. We tend to think that larger is better and with toys this is sometimes true. But take a look at the larger toys in your child’s collection and decide if they are worth the space they take up.
If you find that choosing toys to get rid of is simply too difficult, fill a couple of boxes full of toys and store them in your storage unit. Then you have the option of rotating toys every few months. You’ll be amazed at how excited children will get when they see an old toy that they haven’t played with in a while. It can breathe new life into the toy.
For information on clean and secure storage units, call Arizona Storage Centers today at 480-386-6022.

Tips for Storing Clothes

As seasons come and go, you can actually save yourself quite a bit of closet and drawer space by storing seasonal clothing until you need them again. This is especially true for those living here in the Phoenix, Arizona area, where heavy coats and other winter clothing are used very seldom.
It’s important to pay attention to how you are storing your clothing to ensure they are ready for use when you need them again. Here we share some tips on how to consider the next time you begin packing clothes away:

Avoiding Mildew

The last thing you want is to begin unpacking your winter clothes the next time you need them only to find that they have been destroyed by mildew. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep prevent this from happening such as:
· Be sure your storage area is well ventilated
· Store garments loosely so they can breathe and receive adequate air circulation
· Avoid using fabric finish or starch on garments that will be stored
· Use a chemical desiccant, such as calcium chloride or silica gel

Clean Your Clothes Before Storing

It’s always a good idea to wash your clothing before storing them. Critters and insects can be drawn to even the tiniest amount of food, drink or even perspiration. You should also try to store clothing in dark, clean containers, as light tends to fade colors and attract insects. Also, be aware that storing your clothes in extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause damage.

Storage for Specific Types of Clothing

There are some specific tips and ideas for storing certain types of clothing that can make a big difference in protecting them and extending their usability. Here are just a few ideas:
· Leather and suede clothing should be stored somewhere cool and well ventilated. If you can, cover your leather items with white muslin that’s been washed.
· Linen garments are best stored rolled. If left stored for too long with a fold, it is likely that the fold will become permanent.
· Wool should be thoroughly cleaned and then carefully wrapped in tissue paper. It’s also a good idea to add mothballs to the area or container where wool is stored to prevent moth damage.
· Knit and silk fabrics will retain their shape better if stored flat. Hanging these items for too long can lead to the garments stretching or losing their shape.
It’s usually better to store clothing in boxes or trunks rather than plastic bags or bins, as this allows for better air circulation.
Arizona Storage Centers offers climate controlled storage units if you are planning on storing clothing for long periods of time. To learn more or for answers to your questions about storing clothing, feel free to give us a call at 480-386-6022.

When to Choose a Climate Controlled Storage Unit

When it comes time to choose a storage unit, there are a few important decisions you will need to make, such as how big of a unit you will need and how long you will need it. You’ll also need to decide if you want to use a climate-controlled unit or not. In some cases, the items to be stored will do much better in a climate controlled storage unit, especially here in the desert of Phoenix, Arizona.
Climate controlled units can make a huge difference when you’re dealing with excessive temperatures. They provide protection for your possessions from the elements by maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the year regardless of what the weather is like outside.
Here are just some of the many different items that are better protected in a climate controlled storage unit:


If you have high-end furniture that you are storing temporarily as you move from one home to another, a climate controlled unit will help protect it from heat warp, cracks or even mold.


Paintings, photographs, and some ceramic art should be stored in an environment that is climate controlled. Even if the piece of art itself is able to withstand high temperatures, the frames that hold them may not.


When storing electronics such as computers, stereos, or any other video or audio components, choose a climate controlled unit to ensure they function properly at the end of their time in storage.

Holiday Decorations

Let’s face it, holiday and seasonal decorations are not necessarily cheap these days. When you spend money on beautiful decorations, you’ll want to enjoy them year after year without worrying about them getting ruined while in storage. A climate controlled storage unit is your best bet for keeping holiday decorations looking good each time you need them.

Musical Instruments

As one of the most temperature sensitive items we might own, musical instruments need to be kept in a climate controlled environment where they will be safe from the heat or cold. Even short term exposure to fluctuating temperature can ruin an instrument forever.
One thing that you need to ask yourself is “How often will I need to access the storage unit?” For some, a storage unit can be used in conjunction with a business to store inventory. Whether or not you have a business, however, if you plan on using your storage unit on a regular basis you might choose a climate controlled unit simply to make your visits more comfortable. Loading and unloading items in the heat during the summer or in the cold of winter can be miserable.
If you still have questions about whether you need a climate controlled unit or not for your storage needs, give Arizona Storage Centers a call at 480-386-6022. We’re happy to discuss your needs and offer our advice.