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A Teacher’s Guide to Self-Storage

Hey, teachers: ever wish you had a little more storage space in your classroom? Or, have you ever wished your home wasn’t filled with all your school stuff every summer? Self-storage could be the solution for you.
While self-storage is a great way for anyone to store things they don’t currently need, teachers in particular can really benefit from renting out their own storage unit.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re considering using self-storage as a teacher.

You’ll get year-round storage.

Some teachers aren’t able to keep personal items (such as classroom decor, furniture, etc.) in their classrooms when school isn’t in session. If that’s the case, self-storage can provide a secure, out-of-the-way place to keep all those things until you need them again.

It’ll help with classroom organization.

Chances are, you have cabinets and drawers that are bursting at the seams, overflowing with papers, extra supplies, and so on. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that stuff out of the way until you really need it? With a self-storage unit, you can rotate your storage so that the only things taking up space in your classroom are the things you need immediately. Give yourself a little room to breathe!

You can get as much (or as little) space as you need.

Don’t think that you have to rent a giant storage unit for your single classroom. You can get small units that hold about as much as a small closet, so you won’t be wasting space (or cost) on a big unit you don’t need.

Temperature control is an option.

If part of your classroom collection includes valuable or delicate items (hello, music and art teachers!), you can get a temperature controlled unit to make sure they’re well protected from the elements.

Double-check security.

Every storage facility claims to have top-notch security. The best way to find out for yourself if a facility has the right security features for your needs is to go visit them on-site and ask. While you’re there, ask about the access you’ll have to your unit. Some places offer 24-hour access, while at others, access is restricted to certain times.

Think outside the classroom.

While a storage unit can certainly come in handy for all things classroom and teaching related, remember that you could utilize that same storage space for other things as well. Think: furniture you’re not using, off-season clothes and sporting goods, or everything you’ve been meaning to sell at that garage sale “someday.” Many people find that having a self-storage unit helps free up space in their homes, and it could do the same for you.
So next time you think, “I don’t have enough room for this!” remember, a great storage unit is just a phone call away.
If you’re looking for storage in the Phoenix area, be sure to consider Arizona Storage Centers. Our storage centers feature secure units in a variety of sizes, and we pride ourselves on our incredible customer service. Stop by one of our convenient locations today in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, or Gilbert, or give us a call at 480-386-6022. We look forward to serving you!

Bedroom Storage on a Budget

You almost never hear people say “I wish my house had less storage space.” It seems like people are always looking for new and creative ways to add more storage to their homes. And while many people tend to focus on adding storage to their kitchen, bathroom, or closet, just about every room in your house could probably use a little storage upgrade—including the bedroom.
Expensive storage solutions will do the trick, but if you want to stay budget friendly, you might have to get a little creative when adding storage to your bedroom. Here are some of our best ideas on how to maximize bedroom storage on a budget.

Multi-use furniture.

Furniture is most likely going to be your biggest expense when it comes to bedroom storage, so you want to be smart with it. For example, you could get a bed with storage built into the headboard, or with drawers built in underneath. Not ready to invest in a new bed? Think smaller. Nightstands can double as bookshelves, storage drawers, or even dressers. A bench with a lid can serve as storage for linens or shoes. Choosing furniture that also gives you storage is a super smart way to add more storage to your bedroom.

Use the wall space.

Sometimes, we think wall space is just for pictures or artwork, but wall space can be used for storage! A floating shelf or two will instantly add a good amount of storage space for books, plants, and other knick knacks. And adhesive hooks (a great option for renters) add some storage to a room, too, giving you a place to hang bags, hats, scarves, or jackets.

Store things under the bed.

It’s the oldest trick in the book, for good reason. Your bed takes up a lot of real estate in your bedroom, and the space under the bed can sometimes go to waste. To store smaller items, old shoe boxes will do the trick. If you have bigger things to store under the bed, you might want to invest in some under-bed boxes. They are usually not too expensive and can hold a lot. You can also get bed risers to help accommodate larger boxes, if needed.

Buy secondhand.

When you’re on a budget, buying used items can be your saving grace. Thankfully, if you keep it simple with plain bookshelves or nightstands, you will likely be able to find some good pieces at a very low price.

Use the back of your doors.

Over the door storage solutions are fairly inexpensive and can add a lot of storage space to a room. There are wire shelving units that can be used for books, notebooks, office supplies or other personal items. You can also get over the door shoe organizers, but don’t limit them to just storing shoes! You can stuff socks, scarves, or even toiletries into those shoe pouches, adding a lot more storage, with minimal cost and effort.
Adding more storage to your bedroom doesn’t have to be a big, expensive ordeal. Try one of these solutions for adding affordable storage to your bedroom, and start enjoying a more organized space!
Need somewhere to store all your extra stuff? Decluttering always makes organizing easier. Self-storage is a great option for this, and Arizona Storage Centers can give you the affordable, secure storage you’ve been looking for in the Phoenix area. We have locations in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, and Gilbert, so great storage is never far away. Visit one of our centers today, or call us at 480-386-6022 for more information.

How to Help Your Kids Transition to a New Home

When your family is moving, there are a lot of changes in store, and your new house is just the beginning. Especially if you’re moving to a new city or new part of town, you’ll be dealing with a new area, new stores, and new neighbors. And if you have kids, it’s even trickier, since they’ll be facing a new school and new friends.
For some kids, moving can be a very difficult transition. Here are a few things you can do to help the transition be just a little easier.

Keep important things at hand.

If younger kids have a security blanket or stuffed animal, make sure you don’t pack it away deep in a box somewhere. Keep it close at hand, or let your child pack it in a special bag of their own that they keep with them during the move.

Let them help you decorate.

Your kids will be more excited about their new room if they’re allowed to help decorate it. Ask for their help as you work to fill their new space.

Keep things familiar.

Whenever possible, try not to rock their world too much. Keep the same schedule you always have. Enroll them in similar activities. Make their favorite meal for dinner. Kids need stability, and you can provide that for them, even in a new place.

Set the example.

Express your excitement over your new home. While moving is often a frustrating experience in one way or another, try your best to focus on the positive when you’re talking to your kids. When they see you getting excited and having a good attitude, they’re more likely to do the same.

Meet your neighbors.

Take the time to introduce your family to your neighbors, and ask about other kids in the area. This might give your kids a head start on making friends, and could help you with arranging playdates in the future.

Talk it out.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is also one of the simplest: talk to your kids. Ask them how they’re feeling, what they’re concerned about, and how you can help. Sometimes, just lending them an ear goes a long way.

Be patient.

Expect your kids to struggle with the move, and be as patient as possible with them and their behavior. Set appropriate rules and boundaries, be encouraging, and give them a little grace as they manage this tough transition.
Moving is a major event for parents and kids alike. Help the transition go more smoothly by following these tips, and you and your kids will be enjoying your new home in no time.
If you’re moving to or from the Phoenix area and you need a storage unit, check out Arizona Storage Centers. We have centers in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Gilbert, and Chandler, with advanced security and exceptional customer service. We look forward to helping you with your move! Stopy by one of our centers or give us a call at 480-386-6022.

Budget-Friendly Bathroom Organization

Organizing your bathroom is no small chore, and trying to do it on a budget is even trickier. Even if adding a new storage closet to your bathroom isn’t in the financial cards right now, there are still some budget-friendly organization hacks you can do to make your bathroom neater and more efficient. Here are some of our favorites.


This is our number one tip for any organization project. Your space will be so much easier to organize if it isn’t full of things you don’t need. Start by taking everything out of your bathroom cabinets and drawers. As you do so, throw away anything that you haven’t used in a while. Having a hard time? Here’s a hint: if you forgot you even had it, or you bought it more than three months ago and it’s still full, or you’ve bought something else to replace it, you don’t need it anymore. Still struggling to let go? Follow the 20-20 rule: if it’s something you could replace in 20 minutes for $20 or less, toss it. If you change your mind, it’ll be easy to replace.

Buy a Secondhand Cabinet or Shelving Unit

Buying a brand new furniture piece might not be possible on a budget, but you can probably find something much cheaper secondhand. Make sure you take measurements of your space beforehand (to make sure your new piece will fit). With a good scrubbing (and a coat of paint if you’re the crafty type), an old piece of furniture can work wonders when it comes to adding organization options to your bathroom.

Install Floating Shelves

Got unused wall space in your bathroom? Wooden floating shelves can be made relatively cheaply, and can add a lot of storage options to a room. Use your new shelf space to store linens, spare toiletries, or extra rolls of toilet paper.

Repurpose a Hanging Shoe Organizer

Over the door shoe organizers are great not only for storing shoes in your closet, but for storing a variety of things in your bathroom. One hung over your bathroom door could easily hold a hair dryer, hair straightener, several brushes/combs, hair accessories and products, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc. You could also hang one on your shower rod (between the decorative curtain and the liner) for storing spare soap and shampoo, bath toys, washcloths, or other things.

Repurpose Bins, Boxes, and Jars

If you’re looking for small storage for your bathroom, you may not have to look any further than your closet, pantry, or garage. It’s easy to repurpose small containers (think: mason jars, shoes boxes, baby food jars, shipping boxes) to house small items in your bathroom, like cotton swabs, makeup and makeup brushes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, medicine, and more.

Contain the Clutter

For larger items that won’t fit in your small storage solutions, look for larger boxes or baskets to help you contain the mess. If you don’t already have some, they can usually be found at dollar stores or thrift stores to help keep costs down. Make sure you find things that will fit inside your cabinets or closets. Use these storage solutions to keep things looking tidy, even if you’re storing a lot of different items.
Organizing your bathroom on a budget can be a fun and fulfilling project. With some creativity, you can create a space that is both functional and beautiful.
Need a little extra storage space? Arizona Storage Centers offers secure self-storage units to the Phoenix area, serving Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, and Gilbert. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, and we have many different unit sizes and features to meet various storage needs. Feel free to drop by one of our centers any time, or call us at 480-386-6022.

6 Tips for Creating a Productive Work Space at Home

Working from home can be extremely convenient. It nixes your commute, allows you to work in your pajamas, and may even help make childcare more manageable. But it’s not always easy to be as productive at home as you would be at an office.
If you’re looking to create a productive work space at home, we have six tips that just might help you get there.

Designate a Space.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a home “office,” but almost everyone should be able to find some space in their home that they can use for work, and only for work. Setting aside that space will allow you to focus better when you’re in that space. Think about it: if you’re trying to work while sitting on your bed, all your body will want to do is go to sleep! If you’re having trouble finding some room, think outside the box: closets, unused corners, or even a specific stretch of counter space could work.

Get a “desk.”

You might think you’ll be able to work well without a desk or desk-like surface, but the truth is, you’ll be much more productive if you do have a desk, table, or counter to rest your computer and materials on. A desk also allows you to set up a more ergonomically friendly environment, with your computer closer to eye level and less strain on your wrists.

Don’t skimp on seating.

Currently using a cheap folding chair in your workspace? No wonder you want to get up for a break every ten minutes. Get a comfortable chair that allows you to sit for longer stretches of time, so you can work more consistently.

Light it Up.

Good lighting will reduce strain on your eyes, so you won’t get tired as easily while you’re working. The best option is good old fashioned daylight, so set up by a window if possible. If you can’t be by a window, or if you work at night, try a daylight lamp, or simply use a bulb that emits a good amount of bright, pleasant light.

Stay organized.

While some might say that chaos invites creativity, keeping a well-organized work space is more likely to help you be productive and efficient while you’re working. You’ll be able to find things more easily, and you’ll feel much more at peace and in control.

Add inspiring touches.

Sometimes, we just don’t feel like working. Try to counteract that resistance by including something in your workspace that inspires and motivates you. Whether it’s a picture of your family, a motivational quote, or a vision board of your goals and dreams, this will help you turn your workspace into a place that you actually want to be, and it will help you push through when things get hard.
As long as you have a productive workspace that inspires you to get things done, working from home can be a very convenient and beneficial thing. Follow these tips to create your own workspace, and get ready to be a little more productive.
Need to clear some clutter before you can create that workspace? Arizona Self-Storage can help you store any items you don’t need. Self-storage is the perfect way to free up extra space in your home, and Arizona Storage Centers is the answer for the Phoenix area. Our facilities in Phoenix, Deer Valley, Glendale, Chandler, and Gilbert offer secure storage and a variety of options to fit your needs. Call us today at 480-386-6022 for more information.

Nine Steps Towards a (More) Minimalist Home

Minimalism is having a moment in the sun when it comes to home decor and organization these days. It seems that every other picture you see on Pinterest or blog post you read on storage and organization mentions the benefits of minimalism in the home. And we have to admit, many of those benefits seem pretty attractive, like ease of cleaning, more space, and a home that’s only full of the things you love.
That said, however, true minimalism is a lofty goal. It can be difficult to pare your belongings down to the very basics, especially if the furniture, decor, gadgets, clothing, and more has accumulated over time. But even if your home is far from a minimalist’s dream, there are a few things you can do to take small steps toward a more minimalist lifestyle and bring some of the benefits of minimalism to you and your family.

Here are eight baby steps you can take toward minimalism:


1. Look for multiples.

Let’s be honest: you don’t need more than one blender. Take a look through your cabinets, drawers, and closets and immediately pull out any multiples, placing them in a box to be donated. It’ll be quick, but it’ll have a big impact.

2. Control the paper.

Paper is one of those things that can get out of hand, very quickly. Ideally, all of the paper you have to keep should fit in a single drawer, box, folder, or cabinet. Everything else should be discarded (scan it if you think it might be important later). One helpful question while you’re doing this is: can I find this online? If the answer is yes, you don’t need to hold on to the paper copy.

3. Sign up for e-bills.

This is a way to keep the paper at bay in the future. Sign up to receive your billing and bank statements by email instead of paper mail. You’ll always have a digital copy of them and you won’t have papers cluttering up your house.

4. Create a meal list.

Yes, even the food you store can be more minimalist. Narrow down your list of meal possibilities to a shorter, more manageable list. This will help you know what pantry and fridge staples you always need to have on hand, and will help you avoid buying an entire bottle of something for one single recipe.

5. Try a spending freeze.

Set an amount of time (maybe a week, maybe a month) during which you don’t buy anything. No new clothes, toiletries, utensils, odds and ends, etc. You may be surprised to see how much you buy on a regular basis, which might inspire you to buy less in the future (a very minimalist idea).

6. Clean out the bathroom cabinet.

The bathroom is one of those places where products seem to pile up. Half-full bottles of shampoo, unused bars of soap, old makeup, trial-size perfumes, and more end up taking up a lot of space in your cabinets and drawers. If you haven’t used something in more than three months, chances are, you’re never going to use it. Toss it and enjoy the extra space.

7. Have an empty shelf.

Many minimalists take pleasure in keeping a designated empty space (or several of them) in their home. Some claim that it gives them a sense of peace, possibility, and freedom, while others say it just helps them be mindful of the fact that there’s limited space in their home to work with. Either way, it’s a simple principle that can help anyone be just a bit more minimalist.

8. Clean out the closet.

Our wardrobes often end up bigger than we ever intended them to be. Some professionals even say that most people only wear about 20% of their clothes on a regular basis. Not only does having a bloated wardrobe take up physical space, it also takes up mental space—not to mention time—as you’re overwhelmed every morning by the prospect of choosing what to wear. Simplify life a bit by doing a brutal closet clean-out. Donate anything that doesn’t fit or isn’t worn on a regular basis.

9. Clear your countertop.

Many kitchen counters are littered with toasters, blenders, coffee makers, knife blocks, and more. Since your kitchen is probably a popular room in your home, you’re facing all that clutter on a daily basis. Clear off those counters and give yourself some room to breathe. Store small appliances in your pantry or cabinets, and enjoy having a little extra space and a minimalist look in your kitchen.
Minimalism isn’t for everyone, but the benefits make it a very appealing option for a lot of people who want to live simply and with less. By taking these small steps toward minimalism, you can start to see the effect they have on your home, and you might just be inspired to see how else minimalism can better your home and life.
Tired of using your home as a storage unit? Clear some space with Arizona Storage Centers. Our storage facilities offer reliable and convenient storage for all of your belongings. We even have temperature controlled units for more delicate items. Stop by one of our facilities today in Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Deer Valley, or Glendale, or give us a call at 480-386-6022. We look forward to helping you clear out your home!

Easy Habits for a Cleaner Home

Staying on top of housework is no small task. It seems like dishes, toys, clothes, and odds and ends appear out of nowhere, cluttering up your floors, counters, and corners. If you had all day to spend picking up and putting away, you might be able to keep up. But chances are, you actually have a life, which means that the housework gets left behind sometimes.
If you’re as busy as we are, but still want to keep your house relatively clean, we’re here for you. We’ve come up with a few easy habits that will help you keep your house in order without having to sacrifice a ton of time to do it. These habits are easy to adopt, and while they may seem simple, the effect will add up over time to produce a cleaner, more welcoming home.

One in, one out.

Every time you add something to your home, take something out. This rule is commonly applied to closets—that is, when you buy a new piece of clothing, choose an old one to get rid of. However, it can really be applied to any category of your belongings: toys, kitchen gadgets, bakeware, spices, linens, toiletries, home decor, etc. This helps you avoid that moment when you look around and wonder, “Where did all this come from?” To keep it even simpler, designate a “donate” box that you can use to keep the things you’re getting rid of until you’re ready to drop them off at a donation center.

Throw it away, right away.

Papers are a big source of mess and clutter in homes, and junk mail is the biggest source of excess paper. Instead of throwing the junk mail on the counter to deal with later, deal with it right away! It takes just a few seconds to sort the good from the bd and dump the bad in the recycle bin. Better yet, set up a recycle bin just outside your door, so you can throw away the junk on the way inside and it never makes it in the house.

5 minute cleanups.

Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part when it comes to cleaning. But if you knew you were only going to do it for five minutes, wouldn’t it be a little easier to get started? Set a timer for five minutes, clean as hard as you can for those five minutes, and then stop when the time is up. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done in a short amount of time. And chances are, you can squeeze a five minute cleaning session into your day.

Set a schedule.

Are you the calendar type? Schedule your cleaning like you would schedule anything else. Look at your schedule and determine what open blocks of time you have to clean. Then divide the housework up evenly over the week. You might end up folding laundry on Saturday afternoons, or vacuuming carpets every Tuesday morning. Find what works for you and adjust as needed.

Try the basket method.

Put a basket in each room of your house (hidden away somewhere, if needed). When you come across something in that room that doesn’t belong, put it in the basket. It’s an easy step that will keep your rooms more tidy. When the basket is full, or you have a spare minute, carry it around and put the things away in their proper places.
Keeping your home neat and tidy can feel overwhelming, but these simple habits might be able to help. Try them out and let us know what you think!
Another way to keep your home cleaner? Get rid of things you aren’t using and keep them in self-storage! Arizona Storage Centers provides reliable storage for the Phoenix area, with facilities in Gilbert, Chandler, Deer Valley, Phoenix, and Glendale, for convenience and accessibility. You can rest easy knowing your items are well taken care of in our secure centers. And with our excellent customer service, you’ll always feel taken care of, too! Stop by one of our centers today for more information, or give us a call at 480-386-6022.

Designing Your Dream Closet—and Making It a Reality

Close your eyes and imagine your dream closet. It probably has plenty of space, clever storage options, and a pair of shoes for every outfit, right? Well, we can’t really help you with the shoes, but we are here to help you make some small tweaks to your current closet to bring it just a little bit closer to the closet of your dreams.
Here are some steps you can take to start designing your closet, and ways you can implement those ideas to make your own closet just a little more dreamy.

Take Inventory

Before you can make any meaningful changes to your closet, you need to know your starting point. Take a look inside your closet and make note of what’s working and what’s not. Try asking yourself these questions:

  • – Does anything in my closet not have a home or place where it belongs?
  • – What is the most annoying thing about getting dressed in the morning?
  • – Is there anything you don’t wear often, ONLY because you can’t find or see it?
  • – Is there anything you don’t wear often, EVEN THOUGH you can find or see it?
  • – How’s the floor space? Are there piles of clothes/shoes?
  • – Is there anything in your closet you’d like to keep somewhere else?

Be honest, or even brutal, with your answers. This is an important first step when it comes to making changes to your closet.

Clear it Out

It’s easiest to start with a clean slate, so for this next step, take absolutely everything out of your closet.

Sort it Out

With everything out of the closet, sort through it all and make a few piles. Use your answers to the above questions to help you get rid of things you don’t want to keep in your closet. Add those to a donate or recycle box. Next, clear out clothing, shoes, and accessories you don’t wear often. Be honest! It will do you (and your closet) no good to keep pieces you never wear. Finally, categorize the remaining items. Your categories might look like this:

  • – Cold weather clothing
  • – Warm weather clothing
  • – Shoes
  • – Accessories
  • – Socks and underwear

    Add More Storage

    Use your answers from step 1 to identify possibilities for adding storage to your closet, whether that’s by adding shelves, a shoe rack, another hanging rod (a tension shower curtain rod works well for this), or an over-the-door organizer. You could also try adhesive hooks on the walls to hang bags, scarves, or other accessories; this is a great space-saving hack! Your ultimate goal is to make a place for everything, so base your decisions off of what you have and what you need more room for.

    Make it Pretty

    If we like the way a space looks, we are more likely to work to keep it that way. This holds true for closets. Add a little something to your closet to make it visually pleasing. You could paint, add wallpaper, buy matching storage boxes/baskets, or get matching hangers for all your clothes. These small touches will give you a sense of pride in your closet, and help you stay motivated to keep it looking nice.

    Put it Back

    Now that you’ve maximized your space and minimized your “stuff,” it’s time to put it all back! Be deliberate about where you put things. The things you use most often, you’ll want to be the most accessible. Off-season items can be packed away to save even more space. Put things away nicely to keep things aesthetically pleasing.
    It may not look exactly like the closet of your dreams, but these steps can help you create a closet that is more functional, more beautiful, and more like the closet you’ve always wanted!
    Clear out extra space in your closet by keeping off-season or sentimental items in a storage unit at Arizona Storage Centers. We have centers in Phoenix, Glendale, Deer Valley, Chandler, and Gilbert, for convenient, secure storage when and where you need it. Our high-security standards and excellent customer service will help you know you made the right choice. Visit one of our centers today for more information, or call us at 480-386-6022.

Home Trends Centered Around Organization

A well-organized home is often a beautiful home. Most of us look at the clean homes featured in magazines and drool not only over their beauty, but also over their thoughtful and purposeful organization.
Those magazine-worthy homes really are on to something: form and function can go hand in hand. In fact, there are current trends in home decor and design that are actually centered around organization, having a dual purpose that looks great while really “working” for your home and lifestyle.
Here are just a few great home trends that are centered around organization.

Built-in shelving.

Whether it’s a simple set of bookcases or a full-blown entertainment center, it’s hard to beat the beauty and convenience of a great built-in storage option. These units, made specifically to look as though they were “built in” to your home, give a home a unique, custom feel, while also adding a ton of functional storage space in the form of shelves, cabinets, and drawers. While this option may be a little more expensive than some of our other suggestions, it’s a trend that will not only give your home a whole new look, but will always be incredibly useful.

Natural/woven baskets.

Clutter is the mortal enemy of an organized home, but baskets are the mortal enemy of clutter. These stylish, affordable additions are ultra useful when it comes to corralling items throughout the house. You could use a large, round basket on the floor to hold blankets or toys, or small, rectangular baskets on the countertop to organize mail or other papers. Think a random basket in your room will take away from the decor? Think again! Adding a natural element to a room (like, well, a woven basket) is a big trend right now that brings warmth and texture to any space. So identify your clutter problems, and solve them with a basket.

Floating shelves.

If a built-in unit, like we discussed above, isn’t really in the financial cards right now, never fear. There is an inexpensive alternative that will add a great aesthetic to your home while also upping your storage space: floating shelves. These shelves can be purchased from almost any store where home decor is sold, or they can be made if you’re handy with woodworking tools. Essentially, a thick shelf is attached directly to the wall, creating a “floating” effect. Floating shelves are popping up everywhere in home design, from kitchens to offices to bedrooms to bathrooms, and they’re the perfect solution for storing dishes, art supplies, books, knick-knacks, linens, and more. The best part? They don’t take up the precious floor space in your home, so they even work for small spaces.

Drop zones/mudrooms.

If you believe that “there’s a place for everything,” then you’ll love the idea of a mudroom or drop zone for your home. These areas are seeing a surge in popularity recently, and they happen to be among the most functional spaces a home can have. Depending on the space you have to work with, you may have a full-blown mudroom with cabinets and a storage bench, or you may just have a designated space with some hooks on the wall and a basket or box for shoes. Whatever your situation is, designating a space to keep bags, shoes, umbrellas, keys, and more will not only make your life easier, but it will keep your home more organized and beautiful. Start simple with key, bag, and shoe storage, and then adjust the space to your needs, whether that means a recycling bin for junk mail or a laundry hamper for dirty socks. The important thing is to make it work for you.
These four big trends will not only keep your house feeling updated and fresh, but it will also keep it organized and, hopefully, easier to maintain. Why sacrifice form or function, when you can have both?
Need more storage space than you can find in your home? Extend your storage space even farther with a self-storage unit at Arizona Storage Centers. We have centers all over the Phoenix area, including Chandler, Gilbert, Phoenix, Glendale, and Deer Valley. Convenient storage, secure facilities, and friendly customer service are all just a phone call away, so call us at 480-386-6022.

5 Benefits of Practicing Minimalism at Home

We’ve all seen the pictures of minimalist homes. Whether on Pinterest or in everyone’s favorite Scandinavian catalog, the rooms that are sparsely furnished and decorated somehow stand out. And while part of our brains think, “Ah, that looks nice,” another part is probably thinking, “There’s no way I could ever live like that.”
Minimalism is attractive to each of us in one way or another, but it doesn’t seem like an actual possibility. Can people really survive with fewer than one dozen quilts? Can a wall in your home remain standing if it doesn’t have a complicated gallery wall hanging on it? Can a bed even be called a bed if at least 50% of its surface isn’t covered in pillows?
Okay, those are extreme examples. But in reality, minimalism in the home brings many benefits with it. And while many of us may not be able to go all in on a minimalist lifestyle, we really could benefit from incorporating just a few elements of minimalism in our homes. Here are five ways minimalism can benefit your home and family.

1. Less Clutter

Close your eyes and imagine that space in your home. You know, the one that collects all the “stuff” that doesn’t really have a home elsewhere. Did you think of only one space…or more like three or four? When we have a lot of stuff, it’s easy for clutter to start taking over our homes and lives. The more clutter that piles up, the less enjoyable our homes are to live in. Cut back on the clutter, and you’ll take more pride in your space and find more peace and joy in your home.

2. More Time

Minimalists, by definition, only have the things that they need. This means no excess clothes, dishes, toys, linens, and so on. And less stuff is much easier to maintain. Minimalism allows you to spend less time cleaning, picking up, putting away, sorting, organizing, and stuffing things into closets until they’re jam-packed. So go minimalist, and watch your calendar free up a bit.

3. Surrounded by Things you Love

When you commit to owning less, you can be more sure that you’re only going to buy and keep things that you truly love. That means no more artwork you aren’t sure about, no more scratchy sweaters you never wear staring at you in your closet, and no more extra sets of sheets (that never ever get used) taking up precious space in your linen closet. You’ll only see, use, and interact with things that you really love and are deliberately choosing to keep in your home. If that’s not a recipe for a happier home, I don’t know what is.

4. More Money

Minimalists own less, so they also buy less. We’d all probably be amazed at how much of our incomes we spend on things that we don’t really need. Our closets alone can probably attest to this (how many things in there still have the tags on? That’s money wasted.) Accumulating less isn’t just going to be good for your home and the environment, it’s going to be good on your wallet.

5. Less Stress

Our culture is largely one of consumption and comparison. We all seem to be in a race against each other to have the newest versions of the most things, all the time. One of the big benefits of a minimalist lifestyle is that it quickly shows you that you don’t need more stuff to be happy. In fact, as we discussed above, the opposite is often true. Minimalism is a great way to slow down, practice a little gratitude, and enjoy what you have, rather than rushing to get the next thing.
If any of these benefits appeal to you, you might want to give minimalism a try! There are plenty of small steps you can take towards becoming more minimalistic, and even those little adjustments can cause big changes in your home environment. This is one case where less really can be more.
If you’re not quite ready to get rid of your extra stuff for good, consider putting it in a self storage unit. Arizona Storage Centers offers secure storage units with a variety of features, including temperature controlled units, to safeguard even your most valuable items. With locations in Phoenix, Deer Valley, Glendale, Chandler, and Gilbert, Arizona Storage Centers is easily accessible to help make self storage easier for you. Give us a call at 480-386-6022 for more information. We look forward to serving you!